Manuela – “I gave myself completely.”

Apparition of St. Charbel to Manuela Strack on November 22, 2024:

“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do you love the Lord, do you love Jesus, even if He gives you crosses? May He give you a small cross? What about your trust then? Do you feel abandoned by the Lord? I tell you that it is precisely when (because) the Lord loves you that He entrusts you with small crosses. He entrusts you with these crosses in order to let lilies grow from this wood. Do you trust the Lord, Who gives you His Precious Blood? He will work everything for the good. Here, however, is what you can do in the love of the Lord: prayer, sacrifice, penance, conversion. If you love the Lord, then the Lord’s Word is not too heavy for you and you can bear His crosses, trusting in Him who bears you and your crosses! The Holy Spirit is blowing: He blows like the wind that cannot be stopped, and so Jesus, the Lord, sends me to you and to where people hope in Him. I am not trapped in this or that place. The Lord wants me to come to praying hearts and lets me do what needs to be done for Him. In Germany, faith is not as strong as the cedars of Lebanon. Therefore, cultivate friendship with your Lord! Consider that trees and plants must be nurtured and cared for in order to see them grow in abundance. Do this with your faith, with the Word of God, with your life, in the sacraments of the Church, and cultivate community. My life was different—I gave myself completely. Amen.”

Saint Charbel tells me that he will bless us later with the priest and says:

“Praise be to Jesus Christ forever and ever! Amen.”

Posted in Messages.