Manuela – “In the Holy Mass, the Lord already meets you on earth.”

St. Charbel to Manuela Strack in Sievernich, Germany on July 22, 2024

St. Charbel appears in a monk’s robe, and I cross myself: “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

St. Charbel says to us:

My beloved children of God, I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I have had no secret other than this: to live the Holy Mass in my life. Not that it was just a service for me. It was quite simple: His Majesty the Lord gave Himself to me in the Holy Mass, and I gave myself to HIM. That is how it was and now I am with HIM. That is the whole secret. That is the secret of His grace that HE gave me. I would prepare myself for the Holy Mass in prayer, and after the Holy Mass, I would thank my Lord and my God.

It is devotion, the devotion of your hearts, that you lack, and if your heart is open, God can work graces in you, beloved—as God wants and as HE pleases, and this is what HE will do now with my blessing:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the Holy Mass, the Lord already meets you on earth. Consider this!


Recent words from Manuela Strack:

We live in the time of tribulation, when illness, error, and everything that comes from the wretched one is revealed. I like to call him the wretched one, because whoever has come to know the power of God knows that he is wretched. So the time of tribulation is really the time in which the powers reveal themselves.

But what we forget in all this is that God will also reveal Himself in this time with all His power and fullness. He will open hearts all the more with His graces! For He knows that He must gather His sheep, and His voice will call to you all the more.

Whatever plans the wretched one has, they will be allowed up to a certain point, only to be defeated by the power of God. God sees and conquers! Deus Semper Vincit! All the plans of the wretched one are finite. God’s power is eternal! Regimes pass away, the power of man, evil plans, everything passes away. One day, we will all meet the Lord! On earth in the time of tribulation, wars, plagues, and natural disasters begin to move people to conversion. If the human heart remains closed to the voice of the Lord, the war will spread. Ultimately, there will be a man-made catastrophe (war), a great natural disaster, and a cosmic catastrophe, if we do not repent. The illumination of our conscience will take place before the final event, when we think that all is lost.

But the Lord and the Mother of God create oases in a world of deserted faith. So whoever opens his heart and listens to the call of heaven will not be lost. God cares for you! I do not trust in a false mercy that condones sin, because the wretched man is a clever imitator and imitates here, too. I trust in God’s order and His infinite mercy! In the infinite ocean of His goodness! Why?

Whenever I had problems with forgiveness, He would lay Himself in my arms as a child. Who could then resist giving joy to the Divine Child? Only the Lord can be like that! Serviam!

Remember: If you have trouble forgiving someone, the Baby Jesus will place himself in your arms. The power of forgiveness is a powerful divine force that will make love within you grow.��
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Posted in Manuela Strack, Messages.