Apparition of St. Charbel to Manuela Strack on January 22, 2025, in Sievernich, Germany:
I see Saint Charbel. He hovers in the air and blesses us:
“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Then I see that there is someone else with him whom I do not know. Saint Charbel says to us:
“Friends of Jesus, see what love Heaven has for you! I am a friend of God, but this friend as well asks for graces before the throne of the Lord for you.”
In a personal conversation, Saint Charbel tells me that his companion, wearing the same religious clothing, comes from his region, and therefore also from Lebanon. Saint Charbel continues:
“Whatever you do, do it with love! For the Lord loved you first. Pray and do not become lukewarm! The fire of the Lord does not fit into a lukewarm heart. I take your requests with me before the throne of the Lord and my friend will also intercede for you. Always remember that the Holy Spirit is blowing. If you pray hard, you will be able to come to me. The Lord will arrange this in His mercy. Pray and ask much for this. If only the West were not so lacking in love for God! How many graces you are trampling underfoot! But Heaven is opening itself for you. It is the Lord’s great mercy that you are experiencing. Through the celebration of the Holy Mass and through your prayers, you can save your countries. It is time to make a start! Do not worry about your father, do not worry about your mother, worry about God’s Will. May the Eternal Father be your father, may Mary the Mother of God be your mother. How many vocations are lost because you worry about the things of the world! Look at my life: I followed God’s call – but do everything you do with love! I surrendered and God lived in me. Now I come to you with my friend, who is also a friend of the Lord. We pray for you and bless you together with the priest. We pray for you before the throne of the Lord.”
I say to Saint Charbel: “Your clothes look much better than they did in your life, dear Saint Charbel.” He does not react to this, remaining silent.
Personal note [from Manuela]:
We looked for the friend who appeared with Saint Charbel. He is Nimatullah al-Hardini (born 1808 in Hardin – Lebanon, died December 14, 1858 in Kfifane, Lebanon), a Maronite monk who was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004. He was Saint Charbel’s theological teacher.