From the alleged apparitions at Garabandal, Spain. An interview with one of the seers, Mari Loli Mazón, on May 9th, 1983:
Mrs. Christine Bocabeille asked Mari Loli: “If you are not allowed to tell me the exact year [of the Warning], perhaps you could tell me approximately when it will happen.”
Mari Loli: “Yes, it will be at that time when the world will most need it.”
Christine: “When is that?”
Mari Loli: “When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God.”*
*Note: the “fifth seal” in the biblical Timeline is the souls crying out for justice from beneath the altar. This appears to unleash the “sixth seal” — the Warning. See our Timeline and It’s Happening.
Source: Garabandal: Der Zeigefinger Gottes by Albrecht Weber, 2000, p. 130-131
Posted in Messages, Other Souls.