Simona and Angela – Thick Black Smoke Covers the Holy Church of God

Jesus to Simona on April 17th, 2022:

I saw a huge light and in the light the risen Jesus. He had a white tunic and the marks of the Passion on his hands and feet. Jesus had His arms open; to his right there was a great bell, around Him were a myriad of angels singing Alleluia, and an angel was ringing the bell with chimes in harmony with the Alleluia. Then an angel said, “Praise be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,”
And I answered, “Today and always.” 
Then Jesus said:
“My friends, today is a day of rejoicing. I come to you and ask you to be steadfast in the faith; brothers and sisters, be ready – the world is invaded by evil, thick black smoke covers the Holy Church of God.
Friends, I love you and gave My life for each one of you.” 
Then an angel came and said to me, “Let us adore our Lord in silence.” Kneeling at His feet, I adored Jesus, then I entrusted Him with all those who had commended themselves to my prayers. Then Jesus continued:
“My friends, children, My brothers and sisters, every word of Mine descends like dew on the earth and does not return to Me without having accomplished that for which I sent it*, but you are a hard-hearted generation, ready to complain and to condemn one another, and I died on the Cross for you and still suffer for you. You continue to pierce Me with your sins. Come back to me: I am waiting for you; all of you who are tired and oppressed, come to me and I will give you rest. My children, do not delay any longer, dark times await you: be reconciled with the Father. To Me you are brothers and sisters, friends and children.
Behold, I give you My blessing. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.”
* cf. Isaiah 55:10-11: “Just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down and do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the one who sows and bread to the one who eats, so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it.”

Our Lady of Zaro di Ischia to Angela on April 17th, 2022:

This afternoon I saw Jesus. He was dressed all in white; His arms were open in a sign of welcome. He was surrounded by a great white light. On His hands and feet He had the marks of the Passion. Behind Him on the right was the Cross, but it was luminous. His feet were bare and rested on the world. Praise be to Jesus Christ.
Peace, My children, peace to you.
My children, My brothers and sisters, My friends, peace to you and to the whole world.
My children, I am here to give you peace. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
My children, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, I am the True Life.
My children, I ask you to be witnesses to the Truth. Do not be hypocrites: witness boldly and without fear. I am always with you.
My children, I send My Mother among you because My desire and My Mother’s desire is that you all may be saved.
I gave My life for each one of you, I gave every drop of My blood to save you, and yet you still betray Me. I beg you not to make My Mother cry any more: open your hearts to her and stretch out your hands to her, she is ready to welcome all of you and to immerse you within My heart. Do not make her suffer any more, listen to her.
She is here to help you, she is here by My love. I am love, I am true peace.”
Then Jesus stretched out His arms, prayed over those present and blessed everyone:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.