Message of Jesus to Valeria Copponi
, April 1, 2020:
My children, so greatly loved and desired, you should not be heard saying “I do not know You!” My children, these are decisive days for you: think seriously of a true conversion. If you do not listen and put My Word into practice, unfortunately for you, you will hear the answer “I do not know you!” [cf. “The Parable of the Ten Virgins”, Matt 25:1-13]
My children, the trials for you at this moment are a warning that, for all of you, something will change. Reflect well—you do not lack time; think carefully and commit to improving above all else your spiritual relationship with your Father, who is in heaven. I will give you My help every time that, trusting Me, you truly ask “Help!” from your heart.
Reflect, make an examination of conscience to remember properly all the times that you have offended me. My Mother always asks for the forgiveness of all your sins, but if you do not have true repentance, you already, as of now, know the answer you will have from My Father. Be sincere with all the people that you approach; help your brothers and sisters, especially on a spiritual level. Seek every day to receive Me in your hearts, at least spiritually, because you have need of My help now more than ever.
I, Jesus, your Savior, am here to implore forgiveness for all of you from My Father. Little children, embrace me in the “crucifixes” that you keep at home; I will feel and rejoice in your embrace. May the holy rosary be your daily prayer and, in this way, My Mother will take advantage of it and use it to ask for your liberation from sin. I desire that all of you would return to your heavenly Homeland. [cf. “Parable of the Prodigal Son,” Luke 15:11-32]
I bless you. Your Jesus of Mercy.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.