Wait a Minute – Natural Immunity?

As countries like Austria begin to implement the most draconian and outrageous lockdowns — this time against only the unvaccinated — the question is “What happened to natural immunity?”

In this brand new series called “Wait a Minute” by Countdown to the Kingdom’s Mark Mallett, the lies, contradictions, and propaganda are being exposed for what they, in this case, fraudulent “science”. From Mark’s blog:

Jesus said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies — a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). It’s a simple but effective modus operandi that has worked since the Garden of Eden: lie to ensnare, ensnare to destroy. We are seeing this programme unfold again, this time on a global scale… and it’s truly stunning to see how deceptive and successful it has been. As a former journalist, I feel a certain duty, then, to try to pierce this darkness with the light of truth, even though I am but a small voice crying out in the wilderness.

To watch these short and concise webcasts, go to The Now Word

Wait a Minute – What happened to natural immunity?

Posted in Messages, Wait a Minute.